What is Energy Healing?

Most people are not able to see the chakras, but everyone on this earth has them. The are actually areas of the body that contain more points of convergent energy and while they are constantly moving, when they are open and have the correct energy the person is more vibrant and in a balanced state. Our overall goal in energy wellness is to maintain an appropriate level of overall energy in our organs and systems as well as the overall central alignment and balance as when we do not have this we develop fatigue, depression and other illnesses.
We have 7 chakra points in our body that vibrate a certain frequencies based on the light energy that they emit. In this session, when we use the Bio-well device to measure your energy, you will be able to see where these are in your body. These unique variations of colors/energies that tell a story.

While the entire body and each organs have different frequencies that are at their normal state, Each chakra vibrates or rotates at a different speed, which makes sense because the colors of light vary with frequency. Red light has the slowest speed while blue light has the fastest speed. The root chakra is red and the crown chakra is blue.

Chakras are stimulated by colors. The size of the Chakras depend on how much energy each one is taking up and that is related to your emotional state and physical state of the organs that are in that area. With the Bio-well system you can visually see how much energy is in each chakra.

Over time the body's energy level decrease. Physically its related to the mitochondria overtime decreasing its ability to spin at the correct frequency which is a part of aging. However, accelerations in this decrease in energy are related to emotional events that may have been painful or environmental factors that we may be unaware of.

Out bodies literally block the emotional pains out. Blocking them out decreases the energy in the chakra and over the years the enrgy related to that pain actually leaves the body and gets stuck in our bio-field that is a plasma surrounding our body. When we rebalance we are taking that chaotic energy, organizing it and putting back in the body. We literally bring light back into the body and many times people will leave a session and say " I feel Lighter", .

Because our wellness depends on how our body is able to Handel stress, we are able to use the Chakras system as a measurement of that and see when we have a decrease their energy and their balance or they become closed or outside of the normal alignment this can lead to to negative effects in our well being.
we can help to open and balance them. Once we have them balanced we may notice that our emotional and physical well being has become better. When theses centers are closed or blocked of our health of our chakras affects our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being. When the chakras are not balanced or when the flow of energy through the body is blocked or slowed at one chakra point or another the basic life force within us slows down.
When I work with my clients to heal and align their chakras and energy field, I will also use other techniques that involved energy frequencies.
Sound Healing with Vibrations,Crystals and essential oils all help to realign the energy in its optimal pattern. As we are all beings of light these tools are additional conduits to send our bodies the best vibrational signals so our bodies can get back to optimal.
I want to help you in your journey. Would you like to have a an energy healing session? Please contact me if you would like to know more. You can also book an appointment online.
With love and Light